Thursday, June 17, 2021

Deleted Sections from the book Haunted Flint - Whaley House #HauntedFlint

Our History Press editor did not want too many first person accounts or ghost hunting details in the book so we have a couple buildings that we had to delete some info from their chapters.

The first I'll share is from the Whaley House.

Whaley House Hauntings

According to the paranormal team Motor City Ghost Hunters there are three claims reported by the staff.  One was during reconstruction of the home, and a tarp the builders were using levitated to the first floor.  One staff member reported hearing a bell ring when she was in one of the rooms.  Another member of the staff reported feelings of being watched in the basement.

In June of 2014 the paranormal team investigated these claims at the Whaley home. The claim of being watched was ruled out because of the high EMF readings in the basement. This can cause paranoia and give you the feeling of being watched.

When they investigated the parlor one of the investigators saw a shadow figure walking up and down the stairs. EVP sessions in the room confirmed that Mr. Morrey Andrews, Mary Whaley’s brother-in-law who died in the house. According to the team Mr. Andrews was unaware of his passing. During the second session in the parlor the team heard footsteps coming from the bedroom above. The team also believes they got a response from Robert Whaley in the second session.

Another room that they received confirmation of paranormal activity was the Whaley’s adopted daughter Florence’s bedroom. They believe that they got positive confirmation through a flashlight and EVP that it was Florence in the room with them. They asked her a series of questions about her belonging in the room and the museum staff confirmed that was her.

As the team was seated around the dining table they said a round of prayers by people of the Episcopal Church, which the family was a member of. The team received a lot of flashlight activity and many members of the team reported seeing a shadow figure walk numerous times back and forth in the study Mr. Whaley used.  The shadow figure is believed to a residual effect that may have been at the time the Whaley family would go to bed.

The team’s conclusion is that many of the Whaley family members still live in the house. Although they did find a lot of activity, they believe that the spirits living there are friendly and won’t harm anyone. 

Haunted Flint
Haunted America Series
Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani 

Publisher: The History Press

Release Date: September 2, 2019

ISBN-10: 1467143049
ISBN-13: 978-1467143042

Book Description:

Sinister Secrets in Flint’s History

Home to ancient burial grounds, unsolved murders, economic depression, and a water crisis, Flint emits an unholy energy rife with ghostly encounters.

Colonel Thomas Stockton’s ever vigilant ghost keeps a watchful eye over his family home at Spring Grove, where guests occasionally hear the thump of his heavy boots.

Restless spirits long separated from their graves lurk among the ancient stones in Avondale Cemetery.

Carriage maker W.A. Paterson’s spirit continuously wanders the halls of the Dryden Building, and something sinister and unnamed resides in a Knob Hill mansion waiting to prey on impressionable young men.

Join authors Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani on a chilling tour of Flint’s most haunted locations.

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